Welcome to Bird Quote!
Here we feature quotes that relate to birds or are about birds or mention a bird in the quote. We've selected qu7otes that are easy to understand, that are more relevant to our daily lives, and quotes that we particularly like.
There will be lots of bird images!
Not only will you see pictures of birds, but some information about various birds. See if you recognize any of the bird species.
A fish may love a bird…
Television is a golden goose that lays scrambled eggs…
Today I am sure no one needs to be…
The bird that would soar above the plain of …

The bird that would soar above the plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings. A Kate Chopin Quotation credit + large image Violet-green Swallow The Violet-green Swallow, Tachycineta thalassina, is a small North American swallow. Their breeding habitat is semi-open areas in western North America from Alaska to…
The art of taxation consists in so plucking…
Why does a silly bird go on saying “chiff-chaff”…
There will be more!
Search the site and see some bird superstitions. What about bird poems- you'll find a few. You like trivia? There will be bird trivia for your enjoyment.