Welcome to Bird Quote!
There will be lots of bird images!
Who gets the bird…
Poetry is like a bird…

Poetry is like a bird, it ignores all frontiers. A Yevgeny Yevtushenko quotation American Oystercatcher This bird (Haematopus palliatus), occasionally called the American Pied …, is a member of family Haematopodidae. The bird is uniquely marked by its black and white body and a long, thick orange beak. This shorebird…
The soul has illusions …
Praises for our past triumphs…

Praises for our past triumphs are as feathers to a dead bird. A Paul Eldridge quotation Grey-cheeked Thrush Range: Northeastern Asia and North America, to northwestern South America. Winter: The gray-cheeked thrush spends the winter in northern South America, mainly in Venezuela and Colombia, but also in Ecuador, British Guiana,…
I think we consider too much the good luck…
It is a blind goose …

It is a blind goose that cometh to the fox’s sermon A John Lyly quotation Identification: • Length: 19 inches Wingspan: 58-59 inches • Sexes similar • Medium-sized long-necked goose • Different color morphs • Frequently gathers in huge flocks • Sometimes hybridizes with similar Ross’s Goose The food of…