Thou are a bitter bird, said the raven to the starling.
A Swedish Proverb

Common Raven: Have you seen this bird?
Common Raven
The raven is a member of a very successful family of birds, the Corvidae, which also includes jays, magpies, and crows.
The raven is a permanent resident in Alaska, nesting from the Seward Peninsula and the Brooks Range throughout the mainland and along the coast and mountains of southeast Alaska.
Identification Tips:
* Length: 21 inches
* Entirely black plumage
* Larger than crows
* Wedge-shaped tail
* Relatively short legs
Similar species:
Crows are smaller, have squared-off tails and different calls. Chihuahuan Raven is similar but is smaller with somewhat different calls and occupies more arid habitats.
Ravens are thriving in Alaska. They are one of the most visible species, especially when winter comes.
The raven is considered first and foremost a bird of evil. A group of ravens is a “terror” of ravens and a “murder” of crows, a very similar bird. It doesn’t seem fair, but ravens scavenging and feeding on dead animals makes the association with death fairly obvious.
Thou are a bitter bird, said the raven to the starling.
A Swedish Proverb
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Thou are a bitter bird, said the raven to the starling.
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