Pelican Quotes and Quotations
Bird quotes about Pelicans plus this favorite poem
Australian Pelican
A pelican, derived from the Greek word pelekys, is a large water bird with a large throat pouch, belonging to the bird family Pelecanidae. Modern pelicans, of which there are eight species, are found on all continents except Antarctica.
They primarily inhabit warm regions, though breeding ranges reach 45° south (Australian Pelican, P. conspicillatus) and 60° North.
Pelicans are birds of inland and coastal waters. They are absent from polar regions, the deep ocean, oceanic islands, and inland South America. Outside this area, just two species (the Bald and Golden Eagles) can be found in the United States and Canada. Nine more are in Central and South America, and 37 in Australia.
Pelicans swim well with their short, strong legs and their feet with all four toes webbed.
Pelicans rub the backs of their heads on their preen glands to pick up its oily secretion, which they transfer to their plumage to waterproof it.
The diet of a Pelican usually consists of fish, but they also eat amphibians, crustaceans and on some occasions, smaller birds.
Pelicans are gregarious and nest colonially. Both sexes incubate with the eggs on top of or below the feet.
All species lay at least two eggs. Hatching success for undisturbed pairs can be as high as 95 percent.
But because of competition between siblings or outright siblicide, usually all but one nestling dies within the first few weeks. Or later in the Pink-backed and Spot-billed species.
Pelicans can exploit thermals to commute over 100 miles to feeding areas.
Pelican Quotes
Nature’s prime favorites were the Pelicans; High-fed, long-lived, and sociable and free.
James Montgomery
What, wouldst thou have me turn pelican, and feed thee out of my own vitals?
William Congreve
The nursery of brooding Pelicans, The dormitory of their dead, had vanish’d, And all the minor spots of rock and verdue, The abodes of happy millions, were no more.
James Montgomery
The Pelican Brief.
Sam Shepard
Anything that holds water and fish seems have found a pelican, and even places that don’t. It’s obvious that they are all over the place in areas you wouldn’t normally see them.
Ken DeSmet
[Roberts, who starred opposite Washington in] The Pelican Brief, … the best actor of this generation, hands down.
Denzel Washington
By them there sat the loving pelican, Whose young ones, poison’d by the serpent’s sting, With her own blood to life again doth bring.
Michael Drayton
[PELICAN ISLAND:] Pretty bad shape, … It’s been breached in several areas and there’s not much sand there.
Gregory Stone
The carping and bickering of political factions in the nation’s capital reminds me of two pelicans quarreling over a dead fish.
William T. Sherman
I am like a pelican of the wilderness: I am like an owl of the desert. I watch, and am as a sparrow alone upon the house-top.
The Endangered Species Act has been remarkably successful. Humpback whales, bald eagles, (and) brown pelicans … are just a few of the species that are recovering quite nicely.
Kieran Suckling
A little too much celebrating? Well, you deserve it, girlfriend. Get ready for raves. Everyone I talked to said the Pelican Park Parade of Homes has set the standard. You outdid yourself, Pinky.
Jake Fisher
Terrific. Welcome to Pelican Park, Agnes. I hope you’ll enjoy what you see tonight.
Craig Shelbourne
I’m sure Richard Kirkland did his best as warden at Pelican Bay State Prison for the short term he was there. We wish him the best.
Rick Newton

The Australian Pelican: population generally estimated at around 400,000 individuals to sometimes 1,000,000 over the years. Photo by Fir0002/Flagstaffotos.
Because of his fiscal expertise, under one of the most stringent budget years last year, Pelican Bay was one of the few institutions that came back in the black.
Steve Perez
We did about nine pelican partners off the bat. The [adoption] program is really, really popular, but I don’t think too many people know about this new added partnership. It’s really exciting for people; they just love being able to go and release the pelicans.
Karen Benzel
This is my first pelican. I had to do a practice one first before doing this one. It’s come along real well.
Rick Sardou
Our beloved, endangered brown pelicans have a never-ending struggle to survive. Pelicans have been my inspiration. I’ve wanted to retire, but I can’t — I promised them I’d help them. They have had such a hard life, and they still do.
Karen Benzel
Once we have that (census), we will know if there is a problem with pelicans in general or if there are problems at just a couple of colonies.
Ken Torkelson
There are some Canadian geese out there and you could tell they didn’t like it too much because those pelicans came and just took over the whole lake.
Jim Patterson
It’s a great place to be a pelican. It’s a great incentive to come down and rehabilitate here.
Wendy Fox
Memorable quotes from Finding Nemo (2003)
Marlin: [looks up] That’s not a duck, it’s a… PELICAN.
Quote from the movie Scarface 1932
Tony Montana: Here pelican, pelican, pelican…
Tony Montana: Hey Manny, look at the pelican fly. Come on pelican!
A man with a pelican on his head is not much of a man, but a pelican with a man on his head is some pelican.
Benny Guerriero
From the movie Tin Cup – 1996
One ball…One swing…One pelican
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